The company has an excellent reputation for keeping its users’ data _____.
- (A) clean
- (B) confidential
- (C) upgraded
- (D) recent
The company has an excellent reputation その会社は良い評判を持っています
例文:The new iPhone is suffering from bad reputations. 新型iPhoneは悪い評判だ
at keeping its user’s data _____. ユーザーのデータを_____に保つこと
例文:keep the meat fresh 肉を新鮮に保つ
A | clean record | きれいな(欠点のない)経歴 |
B | confidential information | 機密の情報 |
C | upgraded software | アップデートされたソフトウェア |
D | recent update | 最新のアップデート |
The company has an excellent reputation for keeping its users’ data confidential.
Please bring proper identification to be _____ to the convention center.
- (A) entered
- (B) hired
- (C) admitted
- (D) introduced
Please bring a proper identification 身分を証明するものを持ってきてください
例文:an identification card 身分証明書
to be _____ to the convention center 会議場に_____ために。
a convention center コンベンションセンター(大規模の会議場のこと)
A | enter the room | 部屋に入る |
B | hire a person | 人を雇う |
C | I was admitted into Harvard. | ハーバードに入学が許可された |
D | introduce my girlfriend to parents | 親に彼女を紹介する |
Please bring proper identification to be admitted to the convention center.
The financial report is on the table _____ my desk.
- (A) beside
- (B) along
- (C) next
- (D) toward
The financial report is on the table _____ my desk. その財務報告書は私のデスクの_____のテーブルに置いてあります。
例文:the company’s financial situation その会社の財務状況
A | beside the table | 机の隣 |
B | buy a lamp along with a table | ランプと一緒に机を買う |
C | next to the table | 机の隣 |
D | walk toward the table | 机に向かって歩く |
The financial report is on the table beside my desk.